Residents vote for Wisdom

Wisdom Da Costa ©

Cllr Wisdom Da Costa in Sutherland Grange

On Thursday 24 July 2014, residents in Clewer North elected WWRA Chairman, Wisdom Da Costa, to be their Councillor, replacing the late, and much loved Cynthia Endacott.

The voting

The voting in detail was;

Independent – DA COSTA – 878 (58%)

Conservative – COLLINS – 486 (32%)

Labour – SHEARMAN – 158 (10%)

Spoilt ballot papers – 3 (0%)

The 1,525 votes received represented 26.02% of the eligible electorate of 5,861 for the Clewer North Ward.

Democracy begins at the ballot box

Wisdom said, “This is a massive victory for the people of Clewer North. I am proud of them. Indeed, I thank the people of Clewer North, Dedworth, and West Windsor for their support, and votes. I also want to thank all those who voted, whether for me, or my fellow candidates; Democracy begins at the ballot box, and starts with your vote.”

On the shoulders of Giants

He paid tribute to our late Cllr Cynthia Endacott and his predecessors saying, “I stand on the shoulders of Giants. Giants who have gone before me, and Giants who stand beside me.

Giants who have helped shape this community, and served the people of Clewer North, Dedworth, and West Windsor faithfully for 50 years. Giants like; Cynthia Endacott, John Endacott, John Fido, John Penfold, Eileen Penfold, Jamie Jameson, Sylvia O’Donnell, John Holdstock, Peter Brown, David Moores, Dickie Bird, Mike Moss, Rev Louise Brown, and a great many others.

Wisdom’s invitation to the residents of Dedworth & West Windsor

Wisdom went on to encourage local residents saying, “I invite the people of Dedworth and West Windsor to come and join us, to stand on our shoulders, to help more people, to stretch further, to reach even higher than before, and to help us create a better community, one that puts people first.

The more who help, the more we will get done for you, and for each other.

Help us help you. Together, let’s develop a better Windsor, better for all regardless of age, income or circumstance.


For more information about Wisdom, read the article, “Election update: WWRA to sponsor WISDOM DA COSTA (Independent)

After the Clewer North by election count 24 July 2014

John H, Leonardo, Wisdom, Carole, & Christen After the Clewer North by election count 24 July 2014